Procrastinating – why is it so easy?!

Procrastinating – I’m really good at it!

I have a long list in my mind of thing I should, need and must do. However, in my mind, most of them “can be done later”, I’m procrastinating the shit out of them. Do you ever feel the same? You want to do them, but you just can’t, wether it is being lazy, being tired or something else, procrastination is the easiest thing to do!

Some things on my list are:

  • Making a doctors appointment to check my general health.
  • Making a dentist appointment to fix a aching tooth.
  • Hang some paintings in the new apartment.
  • Finish unpacking the last boxes.
  • Take afternoon walks.
  • Write more blog posts.
  • Finish a few started reviews.
  • Practice my photography.
  • and much more….

These are pretty simple things for a grown person, right?! Well, I thought so too. At the moment I work two jobs, one daytime and one part time, which makes me somewhat tired at times. Coming home pretty tired from my day job, to cook and start doing other job stuff is hard some days. Making doctor/dentist appointments seem pretty far away those days, so does unpacking boxes. And don’t get me started on the weekends, I’m so happy to have some time off, that my mind shuts down and force my body to just relax and do nothing.

Me and my girlfriend said that we were going to take afternoon walks when I got home from work… that was two weeks ago, we have yet to start walking xD


Even tho I seem to work too much and be tired all the time, it’s not true. I feel better and more energetic then ever. That’s the thing, I feel so good, but still procrastinate the easiest things. Why is that? I’m not lazy, I’m not tired, I’m not sick, yet I can’t seem to get off my butt and do those easy things. I think one thing that can help me do all of these things is to write them down, and do one or two every day, not overdoing it, starting with the easy ones (even tho they all are pretty easy) and work my way up to the more tedious tasks. I rock at procrastinating.

Although, to be fair. Procrastinating made me write this post, even tho it took me a few days to start writing, I did it. I wanted to give myself a boost by writing about my flaws, and maybe feel better about doing it, making it easier to get up and get busy! I hope I’m right!

Do you ever feel that the small things in you daily life are the hardest ones to do? Leave a comment with your thoughts.

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. It is the practice of doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time. (Wikipedia)


If you are bored and want to procrastinate some things, follow me on Instagram!

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