SPÖKJAKT bland KYRKSTALLAR i Järvsö – Blir LIVRÄDD. Detta är en video jag tidigare laddat upp på min engelska kanal, The Beard Bringer, och det är en sketch som jag spelade in med min flickvän för ganska länge sen. Den är inte menad att vara seriös, utan bara rolig 🙂 Glöm inte att tumma upp…
Life & Living
Los Corpus & KÄRLEKSBREV från LET’S FEAST 😀 För några dagar sedan gick Let’s Feast ut med att dom startat ett klädmärke, och jag blev nyfiken. Märket heter Los Corpus och betyder “Den kroppen” på både Spanska och Latin. Med det menar Let’s Feast att alla är vackra hur dom än ser ut, och jag…
GOD JUL och GOTT NYTT ÅR mina fantastiska vänner. Ni är så otroligt grymma som gjort detta år helt perfekt. Ni är anledningen till att Youtube är roligt att hålla på med 🙂 Jag hoppas ni alla får en riktigt bra jul och ett gott nytt år! *Följ SKÄGGFOBI på sociala medier:* Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/skaggfobi…
FORTNITE FUNKO POPS – SÅ sjuuuukt grymma!
FORTNITE FUNKO POPS – SÅ sjuuuukt grymma! Visste ni att det fanns Fortnite Funko Pops? Samlar du på Funko Pops eller skulle vilja samla på dom? Detta är en Fortnite Funko Pop Unboxing! Jag funderar på att köpa in fler Fortnite Funko Pops och göra giveaways, skulle du vilja att jag gjorde det? Lämna en…
“SVENSKA YOUTUBERS SUGER”, “Sluta göra så dåliga videos” och “din kanal är sämst”… Det är elaka kommentarer jag sett på andra människors kanaler, eller har hört folk säga… varför? I denna video pratar jag om att svenska Youtubers suger, fast inte. Det finns galet många bra svenska youtubers med superbra content. Ni känner säkert…
HALLOWEENSPECIAL med Skäggfobi som Pippi Skäggstrump
HALLOWEENSPECIAL med Skäggfobi som Pippi Skäggstrump, och skärning av Halloweenpumpa. Det är andra gången jag skär en pumpa för Halloween, och det blev helt okej tycker jag, även fast jag inte använde någon mall, eller vad tycker du? Sen klär jag ut mig till Pippi Långstrump eller Pippi Skäggstrump som jag numera kallas, och leker…
“BLOD ÖVERALLT” Storytime på Svenska | VARNING FÖR STARKA BILDER | #köttigaknän – Det här är historien om hur jag kraschade på skidor och snittade upp mitt knä på stålkanten. Är du kräsmagad? Titta inte på bilderna, det kommer varningar i klippet innan jag visar bilderna. Detta är en storytime på svenska där jag berättar…
Misstagna för terrorister, POLISEN KOM
Vi blev misstagna för terrorister och POLISEN KOM! Vi skulle ha en photoshoot med vår skäggklubb vid ruinerna Brahehus, men någon trodde vi var IS som höll på med fuffens och ringde polisen… BONUS i denna videon… Världens sämsta halloween sminkning. Japp, ni läste rätt, jag vet inte vad jag sysslade med, men jag gjorde…
Vad är SKÄGGFOBI? Vad är Pogonofobi? Rädsla för skägg…
Vad är SKÄGGFOBI? Vad är Pogonofobi? Rädsla för skägg… Eh, vi ska faktiskt inte prata om vad fobi för skägg är, varken skäggfobi eller pogonofobi på det sättet. Utan vi ska prata om varför min Youtubekanal heter Skäggfobi. Skäggfobi skapades i våras efter jag ville börja göra videos där jag pratade om min sociala fobi,…
Hur flyger man drönare? Drönarbumerang | Dronerang guide
Hur flyger man drönare? och hur gör man en Drönarbumerang? Eller Dronerang som det heter på engelska. En dronerang anspelar på en bumerang som kastas iväg och kommer snabbt tillbaka. Detta är min första guide i Premiere och jag har en del att lära, så jag hoppas ni har överseende med detta. Det du behöver…
SKOGSBRÄNDERNA i Ljusdals Kommun, Hur ser det ut nu?
SKOGSBRÄNDERNA i Ljusdals Kommun, Hur ser det ut nu? Ja hur ser det egentligen ut nu efter skogsbranden i Ljusdals Kommun? Är alla träd borta? Kan man gå i skogen efter branden? Hur stor var branden i Ljusdals Kommun? Lite såna frågor svarar jag på i dagens video, och jag besöker även brandområdet strax utanför…
Exploding Head Syndrome | EHS | Waking up from loud noises
What is Exploding Head Syndrome? | EHS | Waking up from loud noises, cymbal crash, explosion, gunshot, thunder, screaming and or static discharge. Exploding Head Syndrome can be quite scary if you don’t know what it is. Read more here: https://www.tuck.com/exploding-head-syndrome/ My name is Andreas Fransson aka The Beard Bringer, and today we are…
Youtube Intrigues, scare and inspire me!
Youtube Intrigues, scare and inspire me! Youtube intrigues me! Youtube inspires me! Youtube scares me! Youtube make way to a whole new level of celebrities and movie stars. People who gain stardom based on talent… controversy… or just being amazing. Youtube is ever growing and ever expanding. People can see overnight success or struggle for…
Zach King The Magical Mix-Up AR Book – First look
Zach King The Magical Mix-Up AR Book – First look at the newly released Augmented reality book by Zach King called The Magical Mix-Up. Play games, watch animations, do treasure hunts and much more with your phone while reading the book. The perfect birthday gift. Check out Zach on social media: https://www.instagram.com/zachking/ https://twitter.com/finalcutking https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq8DICunczvLuJJq414110A…
My Tattoos and Meanings – Tattoo tag 2018 #tattootag
My Tattoos and Meanings – Tattoo tag 2018. In this video I will talk about all of my tattoos and their meanings. Do you have any tattoos? Leave a comment and tell me what they mean to you! Shop some The Beard Bringer merch: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thebeardbringer/ •Instagram• https://www.instagram.com/andreasfransson_com •Facebook• https://www.facebook.com/thebeardbringer •Twitter• Tweets by BeardBringer My name…
Living with heart disease – Dilated cardiomyopathy – 15 years left to live?
Living with heart disease – Dilated cardiomyopathy – 15 years left to live? These are my recent thoughts about living with dilated cardiomyopathy and heart disease, and how my time might be up in the next 15 years. How I think about my future and how to handle everything that goes on around me. I…
Framtidens Youtuber meetup at Scandinavian Photo & United Screens.
Framtidens Youtuber meetup at Scandinavian Photo & United Screens. Our Framtidens Youtuber class of 2017/2018 met up in Stockholm at the new Scandinavian Photo store where we got a tour, a appearance from the Swedish Youtuber Hampus Hedström. Then we moved on to another tour at United Screens where we met Jessica, Olle Öberg and…
Manic Panic Hot Hot Pink Amplified Hair Dye with bonus surprise!
Manic Panic Hot Hot Pink Amplified Hair Dye with bonus surprise! Today I bleached my hair with the Manic Panic Amplified bleach kit, and dyed it with Hot Hot Pink Amplified from Manic Panic. You’ll see in the video! 🙂 •Instagram• https://www.instagram.com/andreasfransson_com •Facebook• https://www.facebook.com/thebeardbringer •Twitter• Tweets by BeardBringer My name is Andreas Fransson aka The…
Järvsö by air – Stunning Mavic Pro drone footage from Järvsöbacken
Järvsö by air – Stunning Mavic Pro drone footage from Järvsöbacken in Sweden 2018. Remember, I’m a beginner drone pilot. Unfortunately I bought my Mavic Pro a month ago, and yesterday they announced the Mavic Air… Talk about bad timing. But I still love the Mavic Pro and I can’t wait to fly more when…
First time riding a SNOWCAT Piste Machine
First time riding a SNOWCAT, Piste Machine or Trail Groomer as they are also called. The Snowcat is used for Snow grooming in the local ski slop, Järvsöbacken, located in Järvsö, Sweden. Tonight they were building jumps in the Snow Park. I took a stroll up the mountain and waved to the operator and got…
Swedish Cultural Heritage – Torches and folk costumes on skis
Swedish Cultural Heritage – Torches and folk costumes on skis – The inauguration of the Europe Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 in Järvsö, Sweden. Invigning av Europaåret för kulturarv 2018. This is what happens when people in my community get together to celebrate our cultural heritage. 🙂 Cultural heritage / Kulturarv / Folkdräkter /Folk Costumes…
Does size matter? – Size doesn’t matter! – Motivational short film by The Beard Bringer.
Does size matter? – Size doesn’t matter! – Motivational short film by The Beard Bringer. Do size matter? Or is it all in your head? Size doesn’t matter, or shouldn’t matter. Be proud of what you got and make it work. Motivational short film I made to show support to every size in life. Shop…
TV premiere on a huge screen made of snow!
TV premiere on a huge screen made of snow! Yes, that’s how we do it in Järvsö. The national TV-show Wild Kids was filmed in and around Järvsö last summer, and when the first episode aired last Friday, people from all over town gathered to watch it on a huge screen made of snow. This…
ICE BEARD in FREEZING cold weather – Frozen beard
ICE BEARD in FREEZING cold weather – Frozen beard for sure. My beard is completely frozen and full of ice. Like a snow beard, but frozen with ICE. All you need it hot water in cold weather. Ice Beard challenge! Talk about ICY BEARD! This is the definition of winter beards. Shop some The Beard…
How I make money doing what I do
What I do for a living – How I make money doing what I do. I often get the question around social media, what I do for a living, well, here’s my answer. I do a lot of stuff and I would need a few more hours in a day, but I manage. I work…
Stunning sunrise with mist covering Järvsö completely
Järvsö sunrise YES, this stunning sunrise with mist covered Järvsö completely one early morning in October of 2017. I woke up and all I saw was a dark gloomy and boring morning…. I wanted to go back to sleep, but something told me to get up, go out and to bring my camera… And yes, I…
DJI Phantom 4 drone crash in Järvsö Bergscykel Park
DJI Phantom 4 drone crash Today I’m going to tell you a little story about a DJI Phantom 4 drone crash which happened a couple weeks ago, in Järvsö Bergscykel Park. Why would you want to see a DJI Phantom 4 drone crash? Well, first of all it was me flying it, second it was my first…
Fast Food Friday – Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Halloumi Wrap
Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Halloumi Wrap In this weeks Fast Food Friday I’m making a Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Halloumi Wrap – and you know what?! It is super delicious, super easy and super fast to make. Just check my video below and it will BLOW YOUR MIND! I for one love Halloumi, and a Halloumi…
How to CARVE A PUMPKIN for the first time ever
How to CARVE A PUMPKIN Most of you probably already know how to carve a pumpkin, but for me, living in Sweden, it’s pretty new thing to be honest. Halloween has never been a big deal in Sweden, unfortunately, because I love Halloween, dressing up and making costumes, but since there are so little Halloween…
The Beards Limited edition USB Beard Comb giveaway
The Beards USB Beard Comb? Yes, The Beards have released a USB Beard Comb stick, containing their final live show. It was released on World Beard Day, September 2nd, as a commemorate piece for us die hard fans. The USB Beard Comb is a Limited Edition The Beards memorabilia, and every true fan should own one. Here’s…
Vlogging is hard, but I need to learn how!
Vlogging might help me! Yes, vlogging might be the answer to get over my social anxiety once and for all. Vlogging really puts me in the spotlight, vlogging is so far out of my comfort zone and a bit scary at times. I never thought that I’d start vlogging a couple of years ago, and…
Exploding head syndrome – I think I have a few of the symptoms
Exploding head syndrome – I might have it! I think I might have Exploding head syndrome actually. Ever since I was a kid I’ve experienced weird sounds and stuff when falling asleep, not regularly, but it still scared the shit out of me on a number of occasions. If you don’t know what Exploding head syndrome is,…
Running up the mountain – From Fat to Fit – w 2 & 3
Running might be a bit of a stretch! When I say running I mean walking mostly, jog occasionally and run rarely, but hey…. it’s better then sitting in the couch at home, right?! First of all, due to being swamped with work, preparing to a workshop on social media and spending quality time at home,…
Extrovert introvert – I sometimes surprise myself among people!
Extrovert introvert – I’m a bit of both! Extrovert introvert – How can I be both? Well, first of all I would say I’m mostly introvert and shy, I really dislike being among people for a long time. I rather stay at home and watch a movie with my girlfriend than going out and having…
From Fat to Fit – It is time to take control of myself – Week 1
From Fat to Fit – it is time! From Fat to Fit is my quest to take control over my life, health and wellbeing. Not a second too late to be honest, I’m really excited about this and it goes great with us moving to the countryside, where the trails, nature and beautiful surroundings really…
Humble Brush – my new favourite toothbrush for many reasons!
Humble Brush toothbrush, what an idea! I stumbled upon Humble Brush toothbrushes by accident a couple of months ago. I was in Spånga, Stockholm hanging out at Georges Klipp planning Spånga Beard Party. I needed to pick up some bandages before I went home and went to the local pharmacy in Spånga. My eyes were…
Introducing Lady Marley Monroe – kitten cuteness overload!
Lady Marley Monroe – tiny, cute and weird! Lady Marley Monroe is the name of our new kitten we got the other day. She was born March 21st 2017 and is about 13 weeks when this post is written(June 11, 2017). We always wanted a cat in our family, but living in Stockholm for the…
We spent the day at Järvzoo – Beautiful nordic animals!
Järvzoo – a zoo that show animals in their natural habitat Järvzoo is located in my hometown of Järvsö, Sweden. Järvzoo is a zoo that focuses on showing the nordic animals in their natural habitat in the untouched forest. You walk around the zoo on a 3 kilometer long wooden platform up and down the mountain…
Overcome social anxiety when everything is working against you
How to overcome social anxiety part 2 If you haven’t read part 1 yet, please do, as it contains the beginning of the story, this is my journey to overcome social anxiety. Click here to read part 1! Let’s begin where we left off. I had just told you about my part on skipping school,…
Overcoming social anxiety that started in my teenage years – Part 1
Overcoming social anxiety can be hard – tremendously hard! I will now tell you my story on overcoming social anxiety, this post might get long, deep, sad, happy and a little bit of everything, but if you are ready, please read on! First of all, if you are suffering from social anxiety and have no…
#heartbeard – My way of trying to fight heart disease with my beard
#heartbeard – fighting heart disease with beards! Or, at least I’m using my beard to spread the word about #heartbeard and heart disease. I created the #heartbeard logo and hashtag about 4 years ago in an attempt to help others, and myself in a way. Heart disease is one of those diseases that can lay…
Swedish Shielings – A trip back in time and history
Swedish shielings, or “Fäbodvall” in Swedish is a pretty rare sight nowadays unfortunately. Swedish shielings were commonly used to herd cows for summer pastures and making milk, cheese and butter in small huts. Shielings in Sweden date back all the way to the middle ages and have been up and running ever since, but they…
Blood has been taken from me – now please give me a cookie!
So, they took my blood today and now I need a cookie! I think yesterday’s post about procrastination really did something good, I actually crossed off the doctors appointment from the list, or at least a part of it when they took some of my blood for a checkup…. I started my day by going…
Procrastinating – why is it so easy?!
Procrastinating – I’m really good at it! I have a long list in my mind of thing I should, need and must do. However, in my mind, most of them “can be done later”, I’m procrastinating the shit out of them. Do you ever feel the same? You want to do them, but you just…
Collecting random stuff – Cute or a hoarder in training?
Collecting random stuff have alway been my vice! But even tho the “random” stuff have been pretty innocent and “normal”, like old comic books, beard products, nice rocks etc, I think my last find takes the prize. Collecting random stuff really hits the spot when we recently moved to a bigger place, and with that…
Moving to the countryside after years in the city
Moving to the countryside after a few years in the city was a pretty big step for me, specially since 2 months ago we had not even thought about doing it. But times change and so does life! The main reason for moving is a pretty common one… finding somewhere to live in Stockholm… For…
Hotell Riddargatan – A night a the hotel in Stockholm Sweden
Hotell Riddargatan – a pleasant stay! Purpose for staying at Hotell Riddargatan: Romantic getaway Nights: One Room: Suite Price: approximately 2500 SEK (290 USD) Stars of the hotel: 4,5 Backstory One Saturday, we sat at home in front of the TV, knowing that the Swedish Eurovision finals was about to start in a few hours we…
Finding apartments in Stockholm – Hitta lägenhet i Stockholm
How to find apartments in Stockholm That’s the million dollar question I ask myself every day. Stockholm is one of the greatest cities in the world, tons of stuff to do and beautiful sights. But finding an apartment to settle down can be a down right pain in the ass. This is what I think…